Financial auditing and related services
- Audit of financial statements
- Review of financial statements
- Assurance engagements
- Agreed procedures engagements and other related services
- Audit of development projects backed by international donors of funds
Management and operational auditing
- Audit of functions, activities and processes of companies and other organizations
- Audit of forecast processes
- Management audit
- Tax audit
- Specific audits of the procurement process and the performance of development projects, etc.
Supervision of corporations and other entities
- Member-auditor of the audit committee
- Single auditor-supervisor
Business Valuation
- Evaluation of companies or shares
- Economic and financial evaluation of specific assets
Activities under the Code of Commercial Companies
- Report on realization of corporate capital through contribution in kind at the creation of companies
- Report on increasing corporate capital through contributions in kind or by incorporation of reserves
- Report on changing the legal status of companies
- Opinion on the draft terms of merger or demerger of companies
- Other tasks of the certified auditor, single auditor-supervisor or a member-auditor of the audit committee of corporations and other entities
Other services
- Due diligence
- Implementation of internal control systems
- Expert witness services to the courts and criminal investigation services
- Training in accounting, internal control, auditing and related areas
- Economic and financial feasibility studies of investment projects
- Recruitment and selection of personnel for the accounting and financial area, etc.